Because Everyone Loves A Ginger

f459efc12a2ba9532425c17bb39d750f_largeThomas Knights exhibition at BOSI Contemporary features stills and videosĀ from his new book, RED HOT 100. Tonight’s hotly anticipated Lower East Side opening shows off some of the hottest red heads from around the world. The show runs until September 14.

The Black Party


bp10010If you’ve never made it to vice-ridden Berlin, then the Black Party is your chance to explore your curiosities and release all your inhibitions. Of course, you’ll want to dress the part, leave your cell phone behind and be sure to have a safe word. This is the last year for the party to be hosted at Roseland Ballroom so expect things to end with a few bangs.


Two Men Caught Raping Cows

tumblr_mx7hvoBatz1rxudkfo1_400No, not the chubby girls at the end of the bar, but actual moo-ing black and white, milk producing cows. An upstate NY farmer caught the two pervs trying to make a cow sex video one night after noticing his cows were increasingly depressed and distant. No word on cow therapy for Bessie.

Where To Buy Army Stuff & More

Uncle Sam’s has been outfitting Village fetishists for years with gas masks, cargo vests and boots. Full on for Halloween, you can be a sailor, army man or sexy cop, depending on how little of the costumes you buy and how much time you spend at the gym.

Last Call – Bob Mizer Exhibit

Bob Mizer ArtifactsDon’t cry, you still have all weekend to hit the Invisible-Exports gallery for a rare collection of Bob Mizer’s mid-century erotica, mixing film, photography and actual props to inspire a full weekend for your libido.


Dirty Santa’s Workshop

DSW_santasdominatrix_horiz_CARD_grandeLeave it to a New Yorker to corrupt our purest ideas of that fatty in red. Peruse the entire Dirty Santa collection, but be warned, you won’t want to know what Santa gets into.


New Yorkers Love Outdoor Sex

20121210_rtlnycvr_150In its newest issue out this week, New York magazine names outdoor sexĀ as Reason 29 to love this city. Finally, something all perverts and exhibitionists can relate to.


Lady Suing Boss For Watching Porn

In more creepy doctor news, a woman is suing her ex-boss in Staten Island because he forced her to watch porn with him as he cradled a teddy bear. Suing for damages and her old job back, the woman drew the line at fuzzy worship AKA plushophilia.

Folsom East Offends Sensitive New Neighbors

For the eighth year running, there’s a big fetish street festival planned for largely industrial West Chelsea, but local residents in fancy new buildings surrounding the area say that seeing the leather men and jock straps offend their mild sensibilities. Billing itself as “New York’s sexiest street festival,” organizers instead have installed some sort of a wall to protect their gaze, but maybe these whiny neighbors would feel looser after a light spanking.